Lot 14

14. DUNLAP BROADSIDE SEEKING BLANKETS A very rare broadside, 1p. legal folio, Philadelphia: John Dunlap, May 2, 1777, headed "Pennsylvania WAR OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, May 2d, 1777. Application having been made to this board by the Honorable Major General Schulyer for assistance in procuring Blankets for the use of the Continental Troops...as the want of Blankets for the Troops may occasion sickness and the death of many valuable men, and reduce the strength of our army...Resolved, That Four Thousand BLANKETS be collected in this State from the inhabitants, in such quantities as is proportionate tot he number they have in family...". The broadside continues, noting the projected amounts of blankets to be collected in each county and those officials responsible for their collection. OCLC identifies no extant physical copies in any institutional collection. Evans 15543; Hildeburn, C.R. Pennsylvania 3603. Silked to reinforce weak folds, toned areas from previous tape repair, else very good.$1,000-1,500
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