Lot 13

13. BROADSIDE CONCERNING THE TREATMENT OF SEAMEN Rare broadside issued by Congress, [Boston, 1790], Jan. 4, 1790, 1p. 17 1/2" x 20", "AN ACT For the Government and Regulation of Seamen in the Merchants' Service", signed in type at conclusion by GEORGE WASHINGTON, JOHN ADAMS, THOMAS JEFFERSON and FREDERICK MUHLENBERG. The document sets forth in great detail the legal rights of merchant seamen, covering every aspect of their employment from pay to victuals. On verso is printed an article of agreement for the vessel Alexander Hodgdon, made between the ship's master and her 21 crewmen, setting forth their date of employment, monthly wages, etc., with each entry appropriately signed. Toned along two folds with four small holes costing a few words of text, else very good. Interesting to note that the vessel described was owned by merchant and sailor Israel Thorndike who went to sea at an early age and commanded a privateer during the Revolution. He later became active in the early China trade and was elected to the Massachusetts legislature 13 times.$1,500-2,000
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