Lot 6

6. STEPHEN HOPKINS (1707 - 1785) Signer of the Declaration of Independence, ten-time Governor of Rhode Island, and author of the first anti-slavery law in the United States. Fine, important content A.L. with signature "Steph. Hopkins" (cleanly torn and mended), affixed at bottom (possibly removed from this letter and then crudely reapplied), 1p. 4to., Providence, Aug. 2, 1755, to Maryland Gov. Horatio Sharpe. Fine content concerning the defeat and death of Edward Braddock at Fort Duquesne less than a month earlier. In part: "...This Moment I rec'd a letter from Gov'r Delancey...giving an account of the Defeat and Death of Gen'l Braddock and many of his officers and men. This is an event of so much consequence to all the Colonys that I thought it my Duty to send it to you by Express...I shall immediately call our Gen'l Assembly together and recommend to them in the strongest manner the doing [of] everything within the Power toward repairing this unhappy Loss and preventing any other of the same Nature. What method will be thought most effectual by the Colonys for such a purpose I cannot yet tell but am in hopes all will exert themselves to the Utmost. I am sorrowfully at present, your most obed't serv't...". Expertly inlaid, very good. Edward Braddock was a British soldier and commander heading British forces in America. On July 8, 1755 Braddock led an expedition against Fort Duquesne, a French stronghold on the site of what is now Pittsburgh. With an advance force of 1,200 chosen men, regulars and provincials, Braddock and the advance column marched to a point about seven miles from the fort, where they were ambushed by Indians and the French. The British were completely routed, and more than 900 of Braddock's men were killed or wounded. The survivors were led to safety by George Washington, then a Braddock aide with the rank of colonel. Braddock himself was mortally wounded and died a few days later. The rout led to an escalation of hostilities and essentially was the opening salvo of the French and Indian War.$1,000-1,500
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