
558. (GEORGE III) (1738-1820) King of England during the American Revolution, it was his policies of taxation and repression that led to the uprisings in the Colonies. Attractive Partly-printed D.S. by sheriff's Benjamin Bickley and Philip George, 1p., 12" x 15", June 27, 1814, headed "A PROCLAMATION", By His Royal Highness THE PRINCE OF WALES, printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, printers to the King's most excellent Majesty and referring to the 1814 Treaty of Paris which ended the war between France and the Sixth Coalition of the United Kingdom, Russia, Austria, Sweden and Prussia. It also enforced the abdication of Napoleon I. In part: "...Whereas a Definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship between His Majesty and His Most Christian Majesty, hath been concluded at Paris, on the Thirtieth Day of May last... We do declare to all His Majesty's loving Subjects Our Will and Pleasure, that the said Treaty of Peace and Friendship be observed inviolably, as well by Sea as Land...Given at the Court at Carleton House, the Seventeenth Day of June One thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and in the fifty-fourth Year of His Majesty's Reign". Followed by the pronouncement: "God save the King". The 1814 Treaty of Paris ended the war between France and the Sixth Coalition. While tremendously popular in Britain, George was hated by the rebellious American colonists. The United States Declaration of Independence held him personally responsible for the political problems faced by the United States. Many modern British historians also place primary blame for the loss of the colonies on George, largely because they attribute the Proclamation of Rebellion (which treated the colonies' complaints as acts of rebellion) to him personally. Expertly backed, two minor stains, else very good.         $1,500 - 2,000

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