Lot 555

555. FIDEL CASTRO (b. 1927) Cuban revolutionary who led the guerilla campaign against Batista, overthrowing the dictator and replacing him with the first communist government in the Western Hemisphere. Manuscript document (unsigned), entirely in Fidel Castro's hand, 2pp (one sheet), 8vo., no place or date though likely notes for a speech given at the U.N. decrying U.S. actions in the wake of the Bay of Pigs invasion. Written in Spanish with cross-outs and marginal notations, in part: "Hiram of Lubrijón [?] The Revolutionary Government is very aware of the desperate efforts that is [illegible] the efforts that reflect in the last days [crossed out] the open activity that the imperialism has been realizing during the last weeks in order to promote at all cost [illegible] revolutionaries, terrorism acts, murder attempts and all type of fights that have a tendency to interfere with the revolutionary process...That activity has been doubled after [crossed out] reports have been expressed to the ONU to the Prime Minister of the Government. It seems like they are worried within the Justice department of the United States Government, every time the anger and desperation increases, because of our solid activity and the victorious and uncontrollable development of our revolution that translates each time in a less dissimulated support of anti-revolutionaries, the war criminals and the worse [crossed out text and partly illegible] traitors, mercenaries of all type...Disembark between Moa and Baracoa [?] group of expatriates and gringos coming from [crossed out]. They left the United States. They are 27 in total. Leader dead. One hurt and another prisoner [illegible] quickly attacked combated by the army forces and militia's farmers...The Ministry of the Armed Forces communicates the following: In the day of yesterday [illegible] communicates the headquarters of [illegible] Militia of the West...". The 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion was an unsuccessful attempted invasion by armed Cuban exiles in southwest Cuba, planned and funded by the United States, in an attempt to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro. This action accelerated a rapid deterioration in Cuban-American relations, which was further worsened by the Cuban Missile Crisis the following year. Worthy of further research. Very good. $10,000 - 12,000
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