1: Patrick Henry 1736-1799 American Revolutionary leader with Jefferson and Lee initiated the Committee of Correspondence member of the Continental Congress remembered for his famous quote give me liberty or give me death DS "P. Henry as Governor of
2: Joseph Dudley (1647-1720 Colonial Governor appointed president of New England by James II a member of Andros' council and detested by the colonists for his role in that administration Governor of Massachusetts 1702-15 Als as Governor of Massachusetts
3: John Jay (1745 1829 American jurist and statesman member of the Continental Congress who also helped Franklin negotiate peace with Great Britain first Chief Justice of the supreme Court D.S. as Governor of New York Ip. oblong folio Albany, Feb 14
4: John Endecott (1588-1665 First Governor of the Massachusetts Bay colony one of six persons who bought the patent for territory on Massachusetts Bay stepped down as Governor upon the arrival of John Winthrop with the main body of colonists.
5: Jonathan Belcher Colonial Governor of Massachusetts unsuccessful in his attempts to balance colonial and royal interest Manuscript D. S. as Governor Ip. 8yo., Boston Oct 3, 1730 an order that the Public Treasury pay Richard Hubbard Door Keeper to the
6: John Alden 1599-1687 American colonist, one of the pilgrims on the Mayflower and a signer of the Mayflower Compact Manuscript D.S. 2pp. sm. folio new Plymouth", Oct 30 1664 a clerks copy of a deed for 40 acres of land in Plymouth with Alden name as
7: Francis Hopkinson 1737-1791 Signer of the Declaration of Independence active in pre Revolutionary agitation and had an important part in designing the American flag D. S., a partly printed sight draft for eighteen dollars connecticut Sep. 15 1779
8: Francis Hopkinsons Shaving Kit A most interesting relic Hopkinson personal shaving kit The box is made of wood measuring about nine inches long and from two to three inches wide obviously hand-hewn. There is a sliding notched wooden cover atop a
9: Paul Revere Colonial American newspaper bearing 'a handsome Paul Revere engraved masthead the Massachusetts Spy Boston mark 14 1771 4pp The paper was published by Isaiah Thomas one of the most famous of Colonial printers Front page news includes
10: Charles Cornwallis 1738 1805 British major general who drove Washington from New Jersey defeated Gates at Trenton, and ultimately surrendered to Washington at York town. Als 2pp. 4to Paris Nov 12 1801: am exceedingly glad you have succeeded so well
11: William Greene (1731 1809 Revolutionary War Governor of Rhodes Island Chief Justice of the colony and Speaker of the House Manuscript D.S. lp large 4to Providence July 4, 1785 to Signer William Ellery (1727-1820 In part Whereas you the said William
12: Lexington And Concorde An early detailed report of the battles at Lexington and Concord as reported in the Gentlemans Magazine London May 1775 8vo., 46 pp The battles are reported under the heading historical Chronicle inside The report reads in part
13: continental Congress Letter press copy of an extract from the minutes of the Continental Congress lp 4to Feb 25 1780 not in Thomsons hand This interesting document pertains to commodity prices resolved that the respective States be credited for all
14: Frances Bernard (1714 1779 Tory Governor of Massachusetts who resisted the State Assembly attempts to ban British troops and vessels which action led to his recall to England and the gift of a baronetcy Signature "Fra. Bernard matted with an
15: Ephraim Blaine 1741-1804 American Revolutionary soldier and patriots Commissary General of the Northern Department Signature mounted
16: John Brooks 1752 1825 American revolutionary patriots and physician Brooks was a Concord Minuteman who also helped fortify Bunker Hill on the night preceding the battle D.S. I p. small folio Boston Apr. 8, 1823 a partly-printed attestation that
17: Edmund Burke (1729 1797 British statesman who advocated liberal treatment of the Colonies and resisted George Ills taxation and representation policies. DS 2pp. folio Court of St. James 1782 pertaining to the induction of seamen in his Majestys Fleet
18: George Clinton 1739-1812 Vice President of the United States 1805-12 and Continental Congressman who opposed ratification of the Constitution D.S. as Governor of New York lp folio New York Aug 9, 1790 a partly printed grant of 600 acres of land to
19: Peter Colt American Revolutionary patriot and ancestor of gun manufacturer Samuel Colt D.S. lp oblong 8vo., Hartford Feb 1, 1789 a partly printed note for nine pounds payable in spanish milled dollars Boldly signed Cut cancel with no effect on
20: Charles H. T. D'Estaing (1729 1794 French admiral in the American Revolution who commanded a fleet of 31 vessels under the ultimate command of George Washington detained the British fleet at Newport and led in the land assault on Savannah. Executed